The Globetrotter

Not a fireside chat but, in true Life by the Blonde style, a poolside chat. The Globetrotter is our journal where we catch up with interesting and stylish men we meet on our travels. A globetrotting assortment of stylish bon vivants and discerning travellers with a sunshine state of mind.

This month we are poolside with globetrotter Yianni Giannopoulos, Food and Beverage Director at Ifuru Island

Ifuru Island is a remarkable destination, nestled in Raa Atoll, is the Maldives' best-kept secret. In September 2023, Ifuru Island Maldives made its magical debut, promising an unexpected and luxurious experience.

Yianni, a lifelong traveller with a passion for style, travel, customer service and a jolly good cocktail, speaks to us about his style, life, and love of travel.

Morning Yianni, please introduce yourself?

My name is Yianni Giannopoulos, I am a Mixologist and I originally come from Greece. I have lived most of my life in the island of Mykonos where I developed extraordinary techniques at capturing the essence of people’s moods in a cocktail glass. In other words create drinks based in flavours and ingredients, I learn while traveling around the world .I have been involved in the hospitality industry since 1992, for the last 31years I have been consulting some of the top restaurants, bars and hotels in Mykonos as well as in Bali, Fiji, Germany, Australia, Philippines and the Maldives , focusing on menu development, professional training program , ergonomics and bar design. My job has given me the opportunity to make my passion come true, after each project is completed I take time off and travel the world overland together with my wife, based out of our own vehicle.

Cocktails and sunsets

Where do you dream of living?

Living full time on the road is probably what I would pick as a life style. A sense of adventure and a desire for freedom is what the nomadic existence offers as a unique perspective on life. This life style teaches you to embrace minimalism, adapt to constant changes, enjoy freedom and flexibility while offers you connection with nature and teaches you to face challenges and discover yourself from within.

The world is your oyster

What is a luxury you own that’s actually a necessity?

Time. In the rhythm of modern life, time is often perceived as a luxury. However, beneath this surface perception lies a profound truth: time is not just a luxury but a necessity, an essential component that weaves the fabric of our existence. Ultimately, the understanding that time is both a luxury and a necessity prompts us to approach each day with a sense of gratitude and responsibility. It encourages us to savor the moments that bring us joy, invest in meaningful connections, and pursue endeavors that contribute to our personal growth. In acknowledging the preciousness of time, we unlock the door to a life lived with purpose and fulfillment, where every passing moment is not just a luxury but an indispensable thread in the intricate tapestry of our existence.

Share with us your best travel tip

Even though people from other parts of the world might look different to you, speak different, have different customs than your or even believe and pray to something completely different, We all share the same dream: to have a home and someone to love. In the end we are all the same. Wherever you go...go with all your heart!!!

Live life

In a world where we’re always available, how do you separate your personal time from your work time?

My advice is simple: There will always be jobs to go back to after so dare to live the life you have always dream off. At the end of the day, dreams have no expiry date, you can try to make them come true till they do.

Describe your favourite view

As I travel overland, I am based in my vehicle and my choice of accommodation is my rooftop tent. So yes, favourite place to wake up and look at the view is from the vantage point of a rooftop tent perched on an isolated beach, the view is nothing short of breathtaking. The tent provides a unique perspective, offering a blend of comfort and adventure against the backdrop of nature's beauty. The sunsets from up here are likely to be one of the most spectacular aspects of the view and as night falls, the sky transforms into a celestial masterpiece. With minimal light pollution in the isolated setting, the stars emerge in all their glory, creating a dazzling display overhead.

What’s your favourite Life by the Blonde piece of clothing and why?

Traveling light is essential in my type of travel so having linen shirts and shorts ticks most of the boxes in my needs on the road and Life by the Blonde has got this line of clothes to perfection. The new linen t-shirt is a game changer.

Life by the Blonde Antigua Linen Shirt

Where in the world have you felt happiest

It is not a place that makes me happy it is the people that surround me, during my travels I have been to places that they were nothing to write home about but being surrounded by the right people made them memorable in a degree that there is a permeant smile in my face every time I think about them!!

Where is your favourite place for a culture hit?

Africa as a continent and the culture that comes in such a diversity even between a distance of 100km from one destination to the other would be my pick as a favourite place when it comes to cultural hit. I can name more than 100 location that I have been impressed and shocked at the same time so I will pick it as a whole rather than a specific time and place.

Which foreign phrase do you find yourself using most often?

May be out of respect or just as way to approach and be excepted I think I have learned to say thank you very much probably in more than 40 different languages and dialects from around the world so I guess that would be the phrase I will use most.

What makes you a good traveller?

Accepting the unknown and embracing the differences encountered while traveling can greatly enhance your experience and make you a more adaptable and open- minded traveller. Embracing the unknown and celebrating differences while traveling not only enriches your personal experience but also contributes to a more interconnected and understanding world. It allows you to engage with diverse cultures, broaden your perspective, and cultivate qualities that make you a more adaptable and empathetic individual.

Life is good in a linen shirt